Jurassic arc

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The Jurassic arc is the first arc in Kitty Pride: Food Chain and the fourth arc in the global series.

Major events

  1. Nermal's mother dies.
  2. Nermal eat the flesh star and meet SkullCat.
  3. Nermal kills a t-rex.
  4. Nermal kills a lava monster.
  5. Nermal kills his father.
  6. Nermal kills the brontosaurus who trampled his mother.
  7. Nermal domesticates kobolds and becomes the strongest creature alive.

Detailled scenario

Nermal's mother die

Nermal eat the flesh star and meet SkullCat

Nermal kills a t-rex

Nermal kills a lava monster

Nermal kills his father

Nermal kills the brontosaurus who trampled his mother

Nermal domesticates kobolds and becomes the strongest creature alive

Character links



Neutral or minor characters
