House battery

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House batteries are giant batteries that contain electricity and can be bought in stores.

Some batteries can be recharged by putting on a conversion glove and deploying magic waves inside to convert the energy into a battery. People who are sufficiently powerful in magic can power their batteries themselves and can technically live self-sufficiently, but on the whole it's generally still more profitable to work and receive a salary. Batteries don't come with recharging gloves, you have to buy and attach them, or have them offered to you by companies that make them, there are certain people whose job it is to recharge batteries with a conversion glove so that they can be sold afterwards.

Batteries can store electricity from 100kWh for 350 paws to 15'000kWh for 40'000 paws, so, about 3 months of work in a regular job, and those usually last a year for a family of three.

Conversion gloves can be purchased separately for around 5,000 paws.